Is sheetrock flammable or combustible? no! does it burn?

Are you looking for a dwelling to give rise to? Then for sure, you will have an encounter with the drywall. And if you are experienced in that category of work, you would have chosen the sheetrock brand’s drywall.

In the United States of America, about 300,000 – 500,000 citizens work using drywall for a daily purpose. So, think how wide the drywall industry is spread all over the state.

Comparing sheetrock with others in this field, it’s susceptible to say that sheetrock almost has no rivalry. The gap between sheetrock and other drywall brands is so dense that without letting out, sheetrock is incomparable. Sheetrock is the utmost best in its field.

So, if you have any suspicions about sheetrock, then remain with us through the whole article. I hope you will be able to find and solve your qualms.

We’ll discuss the following:

  • What is sheetrock?
  • Does sheetrock burn or flammable?
  • At what temperature does sheetrock burn?
  • What happens when sheetrock is burned?
  • What insulation is fireproof?
  • How much heat can drywall take?
  • Is drywall naturally Fire-resistant?

Read also: Is Plaster Flammable?

What is sheetrock?

What is sheetrock

Sheetrock: it’s one of many drywall brands. It is a brand with outstanding popularity and commitment towards the client. The sheetrock is extremely promising drywall. As it stands in the interior, it is moreover a great deal on the exterior surface of the construction.

It is not only simple in design but also weatherproof in extreme conditions.

Putting in drywall can without any doubt, make your walls heat-resistant moreover elegant. Drywall can easily prevent fire from circulating from room to room. The gypsum board is used to make the drywall which makes them flame reluctant.

Sheetrock formulates a house safer than ever. Therefore, it is adequate to use the gypsum board before furnishing your home.

Is sheetrock flammable or burn?

No, sheetrock is not at all flammable. Instead, sheetrock is flameproof. It is protected from fire because it’s built. Also, the sheetrock brand is famous for its certificate of flameproof. It is the best denomination. It is rated as a 60-minute Anti burn.

Sheetrock is a drywall brand. A drywall is made up of gypsum. Gypsum is a material that is blaze-protective. As a result, it makes drywall both burn and flame-protective.

Dwellings are one of the main codes of building fire safety. From this point, much vital equipment becomes a necessity for fire and burn safety. If you use drywall, you will be able to make your dwelling fireproof.

At what temperature does sheetrock burn?

Sheetrock is a drywall brand that is basically well-known for its fire resistance. But it is not the case that sheetrock does not burn. It burns at a certain temperature.

Gypsum is the material from which the sheetrock is made up of. Gypsum is damaged if the temperature exceeds more than 179°F. If the temperature fluctuates between 150° to 170° F, the wall will undergo dehydration. But from such dehydration, the gypsum board won’t be degraded.

Sheetrock is certified as a type-X as it can be used inside the fire and remain unharmed for up to 60 minutes. So, the type-X sheetrock drywall is a “60-minute rated” layout. Among all the sheetrock in the market, type-X and type-C are the best in every manner that drywall has to be. As a user of both type-C & type-X, I think that type-X is much better than type-C.

What happens when sheetrock is burned?

If sheetrock is scorched, then the water substantial in them perish away. And the fires catch on the board, the dust from the board becomes lethal. If these are inhaled, then it may affect health. Therefore, it is not advised to remain in the same room where drywall is burnt.

 By burning drywall (sheetrock) compounds, you may end up with some detrimental chemicals in the dust of that burnt drywall.

A 5/8 inch type-X sheetrock is 30-minute rated burn-proof. So, after 30 minutes of heat, the drywall will start to burn and take 10-15 minutes to burn up to dust.

The dust from drywall joint chemicals can irritate the throat and airways, causing coughing, mucus production, and breathing problems similar to asthma. However, smokers and workers with sinus or respiratory disorders may face much more serious health issues.

Breathing drywall dust may cause fever. When you have low-level contact with dust for a long time, this can happen. It could begin with a fever. Shortness of breath, fatigue, and coughing can then develop within days, weeks, or so months.

What insulation is fireproof?

Any material used to fill voids is referred to as insulation. It can be such fill small gaps, such places where it is hard to reach, ceiling, etc. But most of the time, insulation is used to resist heat either by reflecting it or absorbing it.

Insulation is not that hard actually; it is moreover on the east side. Insulation is of 3 categories.

  • Roll & batt insulation
  • Mineral wool insulation
  • Foam-in-place & spray foam insulation.
  • Fibreglass insulation.

Among these, all are very commonly used in the USA. But the mineral wool & fibreglass procedure is used more because it is the only insulation process that is fireproof.

The most precise insulation in the fireproof sector is mineral wool insulation. It is the ideal material to use in high-temperature industrial areas. Even if the temperature goes above 1000 °C, this material can make it smooth. And above 1100 °C, it will start to dissolve.

The fiberglass process is the second least flammable process. It naturally has fire resistance material making it the most used substance in the high-temperature sector. If the heat increases temperature above 100 °C, it will start melting.

How much heat can drywall take?

How much heat can drywall take

Drywall can take up to 120°-125°F heat. This is because the drywall made up of gypsum components contains a watery entity; when the heat given above pertains to these elements, the watery materials evaporate away. After the heat goes beyond 125 °F,the gypsum of the drywall starts to glisten.

Drywall that can not assimilate heat instantly should not be used. Especially in the high-temperature sector. When drywall ordeal with high temperature, it can get very fragile and result in a crack or fall apart.

We should try to use high-quality drywall like sheetrock. If not, at least a 60-minute rated fire-protected drywall must be wielded and maintained thereby.

Is drywall naturally Fire-resistant?

Yes, drywall is naturally non-combustible. It is made up of a material called gypsum. Gypsum contains 22% water; for this reason, drywall made of gypsum is fire retardant. During too much heat, the water content in the drywall resists fire from spreading to the other side.

Almost every brand’s drywall provides some level of fire resistance. All types of drywall have fire resistance, but there are special types like Type-X and Type-C which are the most trusted and popular drywall types. They provide at least 60-79% more protection than other types of drywall.

Many individuals are concerned about their home’s fire resistance. This is one of the reasons why drywall was chosen. When it comes to fire resistance, drywall outperforms plywood since it does not burn as quickly or catch fire that easily.

If you are thinking of buying drywall for both safety and quality you can without any doubt purchase sheetrock.


If exposed to excessive heat and temperature, drywall can be damaged or burn out. But still, drywall is the most secure and yet discovered the best fire-retardant wall. If you enjoy reading the above article, then make sure to share this article with those who need it or have any doubts about drywall.

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