If you want to become a firefighter, you need a clear idea of all parts of the examination process. Fire departments want to hire the best applicants, and the hiring process includes a variety of physical, mental, and background checks.
But do firefighters take a polygraph test? If so, do all fire departments require a polygraph to be a firefighter?
This guide has the answer, as well as tips on how to pass a firefighter polygraph if one is required by your fire department.
Let’s get started.
Do Firefighters Take a Polygraph Test?
Yes, some firefighters do have to take a polygraph test for pre-employment examination. Polygraph tests assist fire departments in verifying information about an applicant’s past and confirming their suitability for certain fire service positions.
What Is a Firefighter Polygraph Test?
A firefighter polygraph (also known as a lie detector test) is a psychophysiological examination used by some fire departments during the hiring process. It measures physiological responses like heart rate, respiration, and skin conductivity while asking the examinee a series of questions. The examiner then analyzes these responses to assess the examinee’s truthfulness and suitability for the role.
How Does a Polygraph Test Work?
Generally, the test will be divided into four three segments:
- Calibration: The examiner establishes baseline readings for each physiological response while asking neutral questions.
- Questioning: The examiner then asks a series of relevant and irrelevant questions. Relevant questions pertain to the subject’s honesty, while irrelevant questions are designed to gauge emotional response.
- Analysis: The examiner analyzes the recorded physiological responses, looking for significant changes compared to the baseline. These changes are believed to indicate deception.

Why Would Firefighters Need Polygraph Tests?
When applying for some fire service jobs, you may have to take a polygraph test as part of your background investigation. The legality and use of polygraph tests at fire departments vary widely across states and even within specific jurisdictions.
Here is an overview of the most common reasons why firefighters are given a polygraph:
Pre-Employment Screening and Internal Investigations
There are a lot of requirements that an applicant need to fulfill to become a firefighter. For example, there is a specific age limit for firefighters. And anyone can lie and claim that they meet these criteria. Through polygraph tests, fire departments can dictate whether the applicant has filled out every part of the employment application correctly.
Compliance With Regulations
Some fire departments must adhere to the regulations of the state that require them to make firefighter applicants take a polygraph test.
Security Clearance
Polygraph tests may be used by fire departments to assess whether the applicant is fit for a role that requires security clearance. Firefighter polygraph tests can uncover potential security issues such as sabotage, espionage, and terrorist activities.
Evaluating Fitness for Duty
Although not common, some departments may use polygraph tests to determine the firefighter’s fitness level. For example, questions during the exam can check whether the applicant has a disability that was not disclosed on the application form that could make them unfit for the fire service role.
Incident Investigations
Other than a pre-screening examination for employment, fire departments may also use polygraphs to investigate a particular incident with employed personnel. Firefighter polygraphs can determine the level of truthfulness during fire scene investigations.
Common Types of Questions Asked During a Polygraph Test for Firefighters
The questions asked during a polygraph test will vary from one department to another. And the questions will also depend on the context of the test. But, in general, these are common questions you may be asked by the examiner:
Personal History:
- Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime?
- Have you ever used illegal drugs?
- Have you ever committed theft, arson, or any other act of dishonesty?
- Have you ever falsified information on an application or resume?
- Have you ever violated any rules or regulations in a previous job?
- Have you ever been involved in any incident that could compromise your ability to perform as a firefighter?
- Why do you want to be a firefighter?
- Are you willing to follow orders and work as part of a team?
- Do you have any physical or mental limitations that could hinder your performance as a firefighter?
Control Questions:
- Have you ever lied to someone in a serious matter?
- Have you ever done anything that you would be ashamed to tell your family or friends?
- Have you ever taken something that didn’t belong to you?
- Expect a mix of open-ended and yes/no questions.
- Questions may be repeated in different ways to assess consistency.
- The examiner may ask follow-up questions based on your responses.

How to Pass a Fire Department Polygraph Test
It is impossible to guarantee passing a firefighter polygraph test because several factors are beyond your control. However, the following information and tips can help you approach the test with confidence and understanding, which will aid you in passing the fire department polygraph.
Understanding the Polygraph
- Remember, the polygraph is one tool amongst many used to assess your suitability. It measures physiological responses, but its accuracy is debated and can be influenced by individual variations.
- Focus on truthfulness and honesty throughout the test. Trying to “beat” the polygraph by using countermeasures is unethical and often ineffective.
- Research your state’s laws and regulations regarding polygraph use in the hiring process. Some states have banned them in specific professions.
Preparing for the Test
- Get a good night’s sleep and avoid caffeine or alcohol before the test as these can affect physiological responses.
- Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation to manage anxiety during the test.
- Review common polygraph question formats and understand the difference between relevant and control questions.
- Be familiar with your background and be prepared to answer truthfully about any past experiences or behaviors the test might inquire about.
- Consult with an attorney or relevant professional if you have concerns about specific questions or the test’s legality in your region.
During the Test:
- Be polite and cooperative, and answer questions directly and honestly.
- Don’t try to volunteer unnecessary information. Respond only to the questions asked.
- If you don’t understand a question, ask for clarification. Don’t guess or provide misleading answers.
- Take breaks if needed to calm your nerves.
- Remember, the examiner is not your enemy. They are simply conducting their job.
Additional Polygraph Tips
- Focus on your strengths and qualifications as a potential firefighter. Showcase your dedication and commitment to the profession.
- Highlight your positive experiences and contributions in previous roles.
- Don’t dwell on past mistakes or negative experiences. Be honest and upfront if questioned, but focus on your growth and positive qualities.
- Remember, the polygraph is just one part of the overall hiring process. Don’t let it define your candidacy.
Remember: Honesty and integrity are key qualities sought by fire departments. By approaching the polygraph test with confidence, preparation, and truthfulness, you can demonstrate your suitability for this important role.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does a firefighter polygraph test consist of?
A firefighter polygraph test is a type of lie detector test that measures your physiological responses, such as your heart rate, blood pressure, and sweat rate, as you answer questions related to your background, character, and behavior.
How many questions is a polygraph test?
The number of questions on a polygraph test may vary depending on the examiner and the fire department. However, a typical polygraph test may consist of about 10 to 20 questions, which are divided into four phases: pre-test, interrogation, examination, and post-test.
What questions are asked during a polygraph?
The questions on a polygraph test may cover various topics, such as your personal history, education, employment, criminal record, drug use, alcohol use, sexual conduct, financial situation, and motivation for becoming a firefighter.
What disqualifies you on fire department polygraph?
The disqualifying factors on a fire department polygraph may vary depending on the fire department and the state laws. However, some common factors that may disqualify you are:
- Providing false or incomplete information on your application, personal history statement, or during the polygraph test.
- Having a serious or recent criminal record, such as a felony, a violent crime, a sex crime, or a fire-related crime.
- Having a history or current use of illegal drugs or abuse of prescription drugs, especially those that may impair your judgment or performance as a firefighter.
- Having a history or current problem with alcohol or gambling, especially those that may affect your reliability or integrity as a firefighter.
- Having a history or current involvement in any activity or organization that may conflict with the values and mission of the fire department.
- Having a history or current behavior that may indicate poor moral character, such as dishonesty, cheating, stealing, violence, or abuse.
- Having a history or current medical or psychological condition that may prevent you from performing the essential functions of a firefighter.
Can you accidentally fail a polygraph?
You can accidentally fail a polygraph test if you are nervous, anxious, stressed, or emotional during the test, which may cause your physiological responses to fluctuate and indicate deception. You can also fail a polygraph test if you are not well-prepared, well-rested, well-hydrated, or well-fed before the test, which may affect your physical and mental state.
Additionally, you can fail a polygraph if you try to manipulate or beat the test by using countermeasures, such as drugs, devices, or techniques, which may alert the examiner and invalidate the test.
Why did I fail a polygraph when I told the truth?
You may fail a polygraph test when you tell the truth if you have a strong emotional reaction to a question, which may trigger a false positive result. You may also fail a polygraph test when you tell the truth if the question is vague, ambiguous, or misleading, which may confuse you and cause you to doubt your answer.
How do you stay calm during a polygraph test?
To stay calm during a polygraph test, you should follow these tips:
- Be honest and consistent with your answers, and do not try to hide or exaggerate anything.
- Be prepared and familiar with the questions and the process, and do not be afraid to ask for clarification or repetition if needed.
- Be relaxed and comfortable, and breathe normally and steadily throughout the test.
- Be positive and confident, and do not let your emotions or thoughts interfere with your answers.
- Be respectful and cooperative, and follow the instructions and directions of the examiner.
Final Words on Polygraphs for Firefighters
Aspiring firefighters face a complex landscape when it comes to pre-employment assessments. This article was meant to be a general guide for answering the question about do firefighters have to take a polygraph test and if all fire departments require a polygraph to be a firefighter.
By engaging with this topic, you can be better informed about the pre-screen examination with polygraphs and ensure public safety while upholding ethical hiring practices as a firefighter.