Is plexiglass flammable? Does Plexiglass melt or burn?

Can you tell one such material used in our daily basis criteria and also as safety measures?

The acrylic from Plexiglass is one of that materials I am talking about!

They are not only suitable but also the best form of alternative to glasses. They are used in aquariums, photo frames, sound barriers, cases of the display, etc. Their contribution is also seen as the bulletproof glazing for transportation.

As part of many of its features and safety measures, the question arises, is Plexiglass flammable?

Actually, yes! Plexiglass is flammable material as they are indeed originated from plastics. Acrylic is that particular kind of plastic that makes it different from others, giving toughness, glass features, and many more. But after all, they are the same plastic that burns with the rising temperature.

Let us deal with some more details!

Is plexiglass a fire hazard?

Is plexiglass flammable

Plexiglass is flammable as it catches on fire. Plexiglass is made from a kind of material known as acrylic. Acrylic is a specialized plastic material with enormous versatility. So Plexiglass is a strong sheet of plastic which is not at all fireproof. They do not resist heat and therefore cannot be used as heat-precaution substances.

Some of the reasons for Plexiglass being a flammable substance are:

  • Plexiglass is made out of a different kind of plastic substance known as acrylic. Plastics are highly flammable materials. As a result, Plexiglass is also incapable of heat resistance.
  • Plexiglass has a lower rate of flashpoints which makes them sensitive to fire and heat.
  • Plexiglass burns and decomposes immediately in contact with direct fire.

Is plexiglass heat resistant?

No, along with the feature of non-flammability, Plexiglass also holds the tag of inability to resist heat. Plexiglass is made out of such substances that are highly sensitive to fire and heat. One of the primary and such materials is plastic. Plexiglass itself is a rigid sheet of plastic made from homopolymers.

Plexiglass cannot tolerate the heat when brought in contact with the fire. So, it is not a heat-resistant substance.

The flashpoint of any substance determines the flammability and heat resistance of that component. The higher the flashpoint, the more the heat-resistant tendency. But, the plexiglass case is the opposite due to lower flashpoints.

The temperature at which Plexiglass starts to catch on fire is 450° Celsius which is not enough for any substance to be addressed as heat-resistant.

Is burning Plexiglass toxic?

Not at all! Burning Plexiglass is one of the safest processes that ever existed in this field. The heating and burning of the Plexiglass don’t harm the surroundings, nature, and human beings. The reasons for the burning of Plexiglass being non-toxic and safe are as follows:

  1. Plexiglass does not contain any harmful chemicals or components that may cause disturbance during burning.
  2. Plexiglass completely burns out in the form of carbon dioxide and vapors of water which is safe for the environment.
  3. They don’t even form any smoke or fumes that can cause pollution and harm the human lungs.
  4. Keeping safety and precautions in mind, Plexiglass is made as they are a highly flammable substance. So, there is no damage even if they are brought under the contact of direct fire or burned.

Does Plexiglass melt or burn?

Plexiglass can both be melted and burned depending on temperature. The process of either burning or melting depends on a single and similar thing which is heat. Contact with fire or higher heat and temperature can cause the material to melt and then burn.

The process of melting and burning of the Plexiglass is mentioned in the table:

           Melting            Burning
Melting of the Plexiglass is the primary condition that occurred with the application of heat.Plexiglass starts to burn within the process of melting. That is to say, the next step of the melting is the burn.
 When an excess of heat is applied above the standard temperature value of the Plexiglass, it starts to melt.A further application of heat, therefore, results in the catching of flames. This causes the glass to completely burn out in the form of water vapor and CO2.
The melting temperature of the material starts at 160° Celsius.Plexiglass catches on fire when the temperature is further raised to 450° Celsius.

Are Plexiglass and polycarbonate the same?

No, Plexiglass is made from acrylic, which is not the same as polycarbonate. Both acrylic and polycarbonate are the forms of plastic used in producing various kinds of glazing materials like Plexiglass, Lexan, etc.

Plexiglass is made with sheets of plastic called acrylic, where polycarbonate is a different form of plastic used in the manufacturing of Lexan. Plexiglass is more rigid, whereas polycarbonates are less rigid compared to them. Polycarbonates contain different structures and formulas than the acrylic used in Plexiglass.

What is the difference between acrylic and polycarbonate?

The similarities cannot be seen much other than the flammability of both substances. But, the differences are many among their characteristics and features.

The expected differences seen between acrylic and polycarbonate are:

          Acrylic       Polycarbonate
Acrylic is the substance of Plexiglass which is originated from homopolymers of thermoplastic.Polycarbonate is used in Lexan, made from the thermoplastic that also contains the polymer of carbons.
They are rigid sheets of plastic that are explosive and very tough to break.They are also flammable plastic sheets which are more rigid and more robust than acrylic.
They are not at all flexible and are hard to bend.Despite being so strong, they are more flexible than Plexiglass.

Is clear acrylic flammable?

Yes, as Plexiglass is flammable, all sorts of acrylic used in them are also flammable. The prime factor of Plexiglass is the acrylic which has to bear similar features as the material. With these, the flammability of clear acrylic of the Plexiglass is mentioned:

  • Acrylic is not suitable for spots with extreme temperatures and heat.
  • They should be kept away in reach of fire, sparks, open flames, etc.
  • With the tendency of catching fire quickly and burning with comparatively less heat, they become flammable.
Is Plexiglass Flammable 1

Does polycarbonate catch fire?

Yes, one of the similarities between acrylic and polycarbonate is that they both catch on fire. The properties of catching fire in polycarbonates are as follows:

Polycarbonates are polymers of carbons that are combustible. So they also have the tendency of catching fire. Being polycarbonate, a form of plastic will always be explosive. Polycarbonates have a relatively lower tendency of combustibility compared to acrylic.

Can Muriatic Acid Damage or Melt Plexiglass?

Can muriatic acid damage or melt Plexiglass? Muriatic acid, known for its muriatic acid flammability and uses, can indeed cause damage to Plexiglass if not handled carefully. This strong and corrosive acid has the potential to melt or deteriorate the surface of Plexiglass, making it vital to avoid direct contact and follow proper safety precautions when working with both substances.

Are our polycarbonate sheets flammable?

Polycarbonate sheets are flammable with the burning and catching on fire. The reasons for this are many, some of which are described below:

  • Polycarbonate sheets produce droplets of flames. These droplets are responsible for not only burning themselves but also igniting other materials and spreading the fire.
  • They are flammable just after hitting the temperature of 155° Celsius.
  • They flow away in the air right after the burning.


Plexiglass is flammable yet the safest material you can ever expect! They are strong enough even to stop bullets from coming towards them. But the plastic behavior of the material makes them act with fire and results in burning. But, the thing is that safe that you cannot expect any losses even from the burning and damaging of the material!